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共 2,395 条结果
  • 更新:2020-01-31

    以人为本,创新拼搏。 客户至上,精益求精。 湖北杭荣积极进行技术创新,改善产品性能,努力向客户提供最高性价比的物位测量产品。经过不懈地努力,过硬的产品质量和极高的性价比深得客户的信任和青睐,在行业内拥有良好的口碑,广受好评。 磁控开关|SD-FJK-CHBQSTL|| 阀位反馈装置…

  • 更新:2020-01-30

    工作原理   阀门限位开关箱检测的阀位转角位移,通过同轴连接件或反馈杆使传动轴产生旋转,让凸轮触动微型开关,从而使开关组件的触点闭合或断开,通过接线端子向外部传送开关量信号,并通过指示器就地显示。    安装及使用   1、让阀门走到关的位置,调节红色…

  • 更新:2019-12-20
    CX5010 Embedded PC with Intel Atom ® processor

    CX5010 | Embedded PC with Intel Atom® processorThe CX5010 and CX5020 are Embedded PCs from the CX5000 series based on Intel Atom® processors and differ only by the CPU version. The CX5010 has a 1.1GHz Intel Atom® Z510 processor, while the CX5020 has a 1.6GHz Intel Atom® Z530 processor.…

  • 更新:2019-12-20
    CX5020 Embedded PC with Intel Atom ® processor

    CX5020 | Embedded PC with Intel Atom® processorThe CX5010 and CX5020 are Embedded PCs from the CX5000 series based on Intel Atom® processors and differ only by the CPU version. The CX5010 has a 1.1GHz Intel Atom® Z510 processor, while the CX5020 has a 1.6GHz Intel Atom® Z530 processor.…

  • 更新:2019-12-20
    CX5120 Embedded PC with Intel Atom ® processor

    CX5120 | Embedded PC with Intel Atom® processorThe CX5120 has an Intel Atom® single-core processor with a clock rate of 1.46 GHz. The hardware interfaces in this new series are oriented and implemented identically to those of the existing CX5000 series. Two independent, Gigabit-capable Ethernet …

  • 更新:2019-12-20
    CX5130 Embedded PC with Intel Atom ® processor

    CX5130 | Embedded PC with Intel Atom® processorThe CX5130 has an Intel Atom® multi-core processor with a clock rate of 1.75 GHz. This makes genuine multi-core technology possible in the Embedded PC segment. The hardware interfaces in this new series are oriented and implemented identically to those…

  • 更新:2019-12-20
    CX5140 Embedded PC with Intel Atom ® processor

    CX5140 | Embedded PC with Intel Atom® processorThe CX5140 has an Intel Atom® quad-core processor with a clock rate of 1.91GHz. This makes genuine multi-core technology possible in the Embedded PC segment. The hardware interfaces in this new series are oriented and implemented identically to those o…

  • 更新:2024-03-11
    英国真尚有_位移传感器ZED24 涡轮增压器转速测量

    英国真尚有电涡流速度传感器 ZED24 是一种高效传感器,具有极低的转换滞后和高达 10 KHz 的频率响应。其独特的导轨式 DIN 结构使其非常适合集成到原始设备制造商 (OEM) 设备和各种工业控制应用中。该传感器用途广泛,可以精确测量各种表面的转速和零转速,如轴、键槽、齿轮以及所有金属材料的其他凹面和凸面。 英国…

  • 更新:2024-03-11
    英国真尚有_高性价比 电涡流位移传感器ZED23 振动位移监测

    英国真尚有ZED23 是一款低成本的电涡流传感器,是一种精密的非接触式线性位移测量系统,可提供高性能的测量结果。该传感器基于平衡电桥涡流技术,具有易于使用的界面、卓越的性能指标,并能承受各种极端环境条件。其适用范围从科学研究到自动化过程控制,在每个领域都能始终如一地提供令人印象深刻的性能。 …

  • 更新:2024-03-04

    英国真尚有ILD60 飞行时间测距传感器是一种低成本的激光雷达_LED 测距传感器模块,是一种尖端技术工具,旨在满足开发自己的测距仪或相关设备的需求。该模块采用了飞行时间(TOF)技术,可确保在长达 60 米的范围内获得精确的测量读数。尽管功能强大,但该设备仍保持了轻巧紧凑的设计,使其在各种应用中都具有用户…