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2015-2019年,公司已连续成功在中国深圳承办五届侨交会国内展,并先后在印尼雅加达、马来西亚马六甲连续成功承办三届侨交会境外展。侨交会境外展被列入深圳市境外展览重点支持A类项目。2019 年,中共深圳市委六届十一次全会报告中,侨交会被列入深圳市委统战部侨务亮点工作项目。经过五年的发展和培育,侨交会已逐步成为服务海外企业进入中国,中国企业出口海外的展会品牌。2020年,公司将继续承办侨交会境外展:侨交会2020(槟城)智能制造•数字产业展,将于2020.11.13-15在马来西亚槟城国际会展中心举办。

Found in 2014, Shenzhen OCTF Investment Management Co., Ltd. undertakes the first empirical research project of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Think Tank --- International Overseas Chinese Trade Fair (hereinafter referred to as “OCTF”). OCTF is established to integrate overseas Chinese resources and channels across the globe, and offer services to massive overseas Chinese, commercial enterprises in China and abroad, and local government investment projects. From 2015 to 2019, five sessions of OCTF have been organized successfully in Shenzhen, China. Moreover, OCTF’s overseas exhibitions also have been curated in Jakarta, Indonesia and Melaka, Malaysia for three sessions. OCTF’s overseas exhibitions were listed as the Level-A Overseas Exhibition Project by Shenzhen government. In the report of the 11th Plenary Session of the 6th Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2019, OCTF had been recognized as one of highlighted Overseas Chinese projects by the United Front Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee. After five years’ development, OCTF is now an exhibition platform that helps bringing overseas companies into China and Chinese companies going out. In 2020, OCTF will continue to host its domestic exhibition in Shenzhen and overseas exhibition in Malaysia, one of “Belt & Road” countries.

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